Misty Huneycutt » School Social Worker

School Social Worker

     My name is Misty Huneycutt and I am one of the School Social Workers for Stanly County Schools.  This is my 18th year working for Stanly County Schools.  I'm currently assigned to 6 schools in the county, one being Aquadale Elementary School, where I offer a variety of intervention strategies and support services.  A few of my roles include but are not limited to:
  • Enforcing the NC Attendance Law
  • Assisting with enrollment Issues
  • Reviewing and providing clarification of custody orders
  • CPS notification of suspected Abuse/Neglect/Dependency
  • Assistance with school supplies, food, clothing & shelter
  • Drop-out prevention
  • McKinney Vento-Homeless Act identification and assistance
  • Serving as the link between our school, family and community.
  • Support in school, parent and/or teacher meetings.
     Students may be referred for problems and concerns that may effect their academic achievement and social-emotional well-being.  Students, parents, guardians, staff members or any other person who may be familiar with the student may refer to the School Social Worker.  My assigned days to visit Aquadale Elementary are Thursdays.  I can be reached by email, work cell or by leaving a message with the school's front office staff.